← Numbas installation instructions

Running a personal instance of the editor on a Mac

These are outline instructions on setting up the Numbas editor on a Mac, for personal use. For instances where multiple users need access to the editor, we recommend following the Ubuntu installation instructions.

The Numbas editor uses Django, a web framework written in the Python programming language. Django has many configuration options, which we won't detail here. For more information, consult the Django documentation.


  1. Install Python 3 python.org/download.
  2. If you already have two versions of Python installed on your PC, the command python might run the wrong version. The easiest way of making sure you use the right one is to create a virtual environment. Here's how to do that: pip3 install virtualenv virtualenv -p python3 numbas_venv source numbas_venv/bin/activate You'll need to activate the virtual environment each time you want to use it.
  3. Either download the Numbas runtime tools from github and extract to a folder called numbas_runtime, or use git to clone the repository: git clone git://github.com/numbas/Numbas.git numbas_runtime
  4. Either download the Numbas editor from github and extract to a folder called numbas_editor, or use git to clone the repository: git clone git://github.com/numbas/editor.git numbas_editor
  5. Install all the required Python modules: pip3 install -r numbas_editor/requirements.txt pip3 install -r numbas_runtime/requirements.txt


Ongoing maintenance

If you used git to clone the runtime and editor repositories, run the following commands to update your installation: cd numbas_editor git pull origin master python manage.py migrate pip install -r requirements.txt cd ../numbas_runtime git pull origin master pip install -r requirements.txt

The admin site, where you can manually edit entries in the database, is at http://localhost:8000/admin.